med school mumblings...

Friday, August 13, 2004

anat lect

had a most awful lecture today. first anat lecture ever, on upper limb and prof tay plunged right in with all the latin and greek. the whole class was so freaked out from the lecture that after lunch, we all went to the library to read up. the m2s were like, what?! third day of lecture and you're here already? even the m3-5s seemed vaguely astonished, but i guess they were too tired from studying to show any emotion. so we hauled up mcminn's and snell up to the second floor, found a table and mugged. i think we were quite a sight, sitting there muttering to ourselves and feeling all over our shoulder and forearm. ulna, ulna, ulna. but i guess anat can be fun, since we'll know like almost everything that's in the body. so i'll hang in there prof.

and i didn't go for tennis 'cause there were no girls playing. considering my level of fitness and tennis ability, it was a no-no.

long live medical school.


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