med school mumblings...

Sunday, July 10, 2005

i've finally done the main part of my website. visit it here. There are still some parts that i haven't finished but i'll get them done soon.

went for OT prac yesterday. nearly thought i had made a mistake because everyone on the stage crew was an m4. i was the only m2 around. but well, it's all right, they're nice people and in fact, don't behave like seniors, if you know what i mean. they're like m2s who know m4 stuff. heh.

anyhoo, here's some publicity for the performance. it's fifteen bucks if you're a student. details are in the medsoc updates. support us! or rather, support the cast! then maybe you can see me darting around the place on stage right.

mc, you said yesterday i sounded sentimental about london. i went home and chewed over your comment, and i guess i'm really sad it happened because of all the nice people we met in london who helped us (it's all in the website) and the truly cosmopolitan nature of the city. the mayor wasn't kidding when he said that. yeah, guess that's about it.

btw, if anyone has any comments about the site, you can tag it here too instead of emailing.


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