med school mumblings...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

last night's concert was fantastic! more or less worth the thirty dollars, but i think last year's show was more worth the while because the audience was really into it. last night's audience was muted, and whenever someone cracked a joke on stage, there would be laughter, but not the whole-hearted laughter of last year. missy j was saying that the woman next to her seemed displeased that we were laughing and giggling at every little thing they said. aww c'mon man, it's budak pantai! you're supposed to roll on the floor laughing, which was what last year's audience desperately restrained themselves from doing. oh well. anyway, the concert was as expected, zany jokes, small digs at the local politics, multi-lingual song fest as well as crazy lyrics. i only wished that joseph, kah keh and especially danny boy, uhm, danny, spoke more. -sigh- what a group of men. hilarious, creative, and great at singing. oh! and we got their autographs too! never thought i would say this, but yes, i'll treasure my cattle are lowing cd very very very much. heh.

and i got a new phone. my old one was a panasonic, and, i'm not sure about their newer phones, but mine had terrible graphics and colours. only the shape of the phone was nice. woke up yesterday morning and saw that singtel was selling the sony ericsson for zero dollars, so immediately went down to compasspoint to get it. someone's christmas came early.


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