one of my tuning forks is out of tune. there isn't even a single note coming out of it. instead, it's got this high pitched buzzing that sounds somewhat like a b major chord. crazy.
mc's baptism was yesterday evening. haven't attended any catholic mass since i left primary school. the event was three hours long and held in mandarin, which meant i barely understood what was being said and sung. i knew there were readings from genesis, exodus, isaiah, romans and a gospel, but strangely, hearing the verses in mandarin didn't impact me as much as hearing them in english. oh well, think it's just me. haha. they sang a couple of hymns in cantonese too, not suprisingly i knew not a single word. kept trying to peep at the book containing all the rites the woman in front me had but it was a little hard to read. heh. after that was brecko's at bugis for drinks before heading home.
went to sonata yesterday to look for bloch flats, cuz my stupid big toe is really -big-, and when i go on demi-pointe it begins to hurt, so i can never balance on fifth during class, but can do it perfectly-- okay, almost, at home without shoes. well, sonata didn't have them, so gotta make a trip down to okh at tanglin. ugh. my stupid toe! wonder if there's a medical term for it -- bigtoemegaly? at least the lady at sonata is one heck of a good fitter. one look at my feet and she roughly knew my shoe size and width (it's a D!). now if those sales staff at bata and charles and keith and every shoe shop could do that. heh.
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