med school mumblings...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

new year, new layout.

busking was great. we sang outside pepper lunch at shaw house, at the area between the underpass and the escalator. lots of people around, and many gave generously (several blue notes in our box!!). our version of the toto hit africa seemed to make the crowd happy, so we ended up singing it over and over again. heh. it's the best carolling/busking experience i've had so far. we sounded great and the audience was appreciative. whoot. would have enjoyed it much better if not for my terrible throat!

and deutschland is through to the quarter finals, thanks to two podolski goals. wished i could have watched the match! they meet argentina on friday, so that'll be really exciting. i can't wait.

so school starts again tomorrow and we'll go sixteen weeks without a break. see ya around, fellow White Coats.


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