med school mumblings...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

random thoughts:

#1. the world is freaking small. sent off two friends yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to see people from my secondary school, the other jc, and medicine popping up at the departure hall. turns out everyone somehow knows each other; we don't even need six degrees of separation as someone said, three would suffice.

#2. i miss dancing. i mean, i'm nowhere near those fantastic turns and splits and jumps, but i miss moving to music. missC, if you're reading this, we gotta get the classes going, and try to watch wade robson next month!

#3. being in medicine requires absolute dedication to your work. if my tutor's schedule is anything to go by, you'll be out of the house from 6am to 6pm, plus you gotta do night calls twice a week, even on weekends. lots of juggling skills needed huh.

#4. this isn't a random thought, but certain conditions in medicine can be so mysterious. was going through browse and found something called a pilonidal sinus, which contains hairs and is susceptible to infection. it is usually found in the midline over the sacrum, but, wait for this, it can be found between the fingers in hairdressers. the theory is that they're either congenital or acquired when hairs drill their way into soft tissue.

uro posting starts tomorrow. yahoo.


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