Of Post Pros
and so most of us breathed a sigh of relief when our names were found missing from the viva list. given that our second year ca marks weren't fantastic, and our paper comprised questions on inflammatory bowel disease and medico-legal aspects of reporting a sudden death in the hospital, i think we all did pretty well. it's on to fifth year!
now that it's post pros with cny coming up, i've got a chance to go out and do normal things like meeting friends over good meals (food blog is updated!), shopping and just doing stuff without the word "p r o s" hovering at the back of my mind.
some unpleasant things have surfaced regarding my plans for may and june, and...they're really unpleasant stuff. i'm -this- close to throwing in the towel regarding certain things and strangling some people. i'm just astounded as to how uncivil and gutless these people can be, and quite honestly, it disgusts me.
no matter though. as jp shared during befriender's meeting last week, you never know when blessings can hit you, and from where. plus, it's chinese new year. it's time to eat, drink and be merry.
gong xi fa cai everyone!
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