med school mumblings...

Sunday, January 16, 2005

went for the king edward hall play last night. met up with js and greg at funan mall for dinner at pasta mania. fun and oy were supposed to have joined us, but they went awol. -big grin- anyway, we all got a macs ice-cream each and consumed it on the way to victoria theater. as i predicted, we were only finishing the ice-cream when we reached the theater. at the entrance, js realised his ticket was with fun, so greg and i went up to reserve some seats first while he waited. they came in the nick of time, just before the guest of honour arrived. didn't know dr balaji was an ex-ke boy, and that he was in the hall play thirty years ago, and later married the director of the play! nice romantic story, fitting since the play was a modern take on shakespeare's romeo and juliet. story was weird but hilarious, and despite the occasional lame jokes and the unintelligible accents, the play was a great effort and a success. especially the sets. yay, joanna!

went home with dave, greg and suz. maybe i was drunk on the white wine pasta mania put in the dish, but i kept glaberring on and on. and for the first time in a while, i was truly happy, relaxed, and at peace with myself. i giggled when i saw a man sitting opposite me on the train falling asleep on the guy next to him, my mind hummed from the countless tunes in my head. a truly delightful feeling.


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