med school mumblings...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

zj called me up this morning asking me to go down to rj. and that turned out to be a fateful thing because i got to meet and talk to several teachers, and i got to meet dr william tan. yeah! the paraplegic guy who's a doctor and neuroscientist and who has just travelled through all the continents. he was there to raise money for teenages with cancer, so he was selling autographed posters for five bucks each.

i really don't know what to say. i mean, you see him in the papers, read about how he has traversed antarctica etc, so it's certainly humbling to be standing in front of him, even though he's in a wheelchair. he's got a presence, this aura you can't run away from. we talked to him for a while in the library (which is gorgeous, the only thing i wished we had at mt sinai) and he seemed pleased and interested at our future careers. i've got the poster stuck on the wall above my desk; i hope it'll be give me the necessary inspiration to carry me through second year at least.

it was nice to meet the teachers, even for a short while. and i was pleasantly surprised that some teachers who never taught me before could vaguely remember which batch i was from. talked to mctay over his lunch, then later to dr chan over my lunch. still not convinced about the spaciousness of the school. it's just too freakin' huge. too many corridors. on top of that, they have a limited choice of food. poor young rafflesians who have never tasted ghim moh hawker food. heh.

does anyone know when school starts? it's a very queer feeling not knowing when i've to go back to school.


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