med school mumblings...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

an exciting past three days. on thursday it was off to town to celebrate the-one-who-shall-not-be-named's birthday. we had a great dinner at an indonesian restaurant, talking, eating, gossiping and all the usual girl things. to burn off the extra calories we walked all the way down orchard road to dobhy gaut station. i missed my weekly dose of lost, but the company more than made up for it.

friday was the day of interviews. ivan ho (aka mr black) in the morning and our dean, prof john wong in the afternoon. both have similar traits really, and both have a certain charisma that must have helped them in achieving what they have now. very interesting and insightful. the interviews will appear in the next issue of pulse, so watch out for it!

today, saturday, was the first full dress rehearsal for playhouse. the costumes did not present much of a problem initially, but the makeup did. i've got absolutely no experience in doing stage makeup, so essentially the lead actress was my guinea pig, though she was very nice about it. it turned out quite well though, including that of the supporting cast. the script is hilarious and the fight scenes are especially impressive considering the varied backgrounds of the actors.

on the way back taking the train, there was this young boy with polydactyly. six fingers and toes on both sides. i didn't notice it immediately but what caught my eyes was his larger than usual feet. it was then when i realized he actually had two middle toes, and two middle fingers. his left hand was even odder, because his pinkie had a little strut of a bone (like the clavicle and the shoulder) so it stuck out in a weird position. other than being a little on the skinny side he looked otherwise normal, both physically and mentally. heh. the things you see on the subway.


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