med school mumblings...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

so i've finished my first round of microbiology. which doesn't count because my first round is the official "glance through" round. argh. as it was, i was reading all about hiv and aids, and all the horrible effects it causes. ya know, illnesses only the animals get because your immune system is so weak, and i thought about the case long ago about this woman who willing got hiv from her husband because she "loved him so much". i guess she never fully realised how horrible this disease is, and thought it was incredibly romantic to have them both develop kaposi's sarcoma or pneumocystis pneumonia or thrush together. i wonder if she still does now.

anyhoo, if only i could throw the whole stack of my immunology and virology notes down eleven floors, but i'd be arrested for killer littering so i've to keep them in my file like the good student that i am.



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