med school mumblings...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

just back from yet another "shopping" excursion. i say "shopping" because it was meant to be an outing to puchase useful things for myself (like clothes) but i've only come back with someone else's present. i mean, yes i'm happy to have gotten those, but it isn't the first time i've gone to town thinking i'll come home with fantastic shoes, beautiful skirts and funky accessories, only to return empty handed. hmmm.

caught the premiere of grey's anatomy. it feels like a show that will grow on me. the medical bit is only a convenient jumping off point for the stories, but it is the stories that really engaged me. the intern who's got big shoes to fill, the one who screwed up on his big break, and the one who wants to have it all. aren't we all a bit of each? it's got potential, so it stays on my tv list for now.


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