med school mumblings...

Monday, March 13, 2006

what madness. thursday's microbiology was terrible, and patho on friday was no better. out of eight pots, i'm not sure of two. and both have resulted in heated debates over what the organs and the lesions are. in addition, our theory paper tested stuff on genetics. i don't mean the genetics component about fragile x and the like, but things like "this diesase is related to carriers of such and such a gene" etc, and hyperthryoidism is twice as common in females than in males. i never thought such info would be tested! sure i knew (as everyone did) that women get it more, but by what proportion, that was a fact i never expected to have been tested. also the hla genes etc etc. ugh!

after the paper i was suddenly became very hungry and very drained. according to our seniors, pots was not meant to be like this. -groan- whatever the case, i hope my grades will turn out fine. now i need to gather every brain neuron to try and focus on the upcoming pros. just a bit more!

gosh, nearly fell asleep while typing that bit.

anyways, went for some free dance trial lessons at a dance studio in the central district. attended the lyrical jazz and latin jazz lessons. great fun. i suppose knowing i didn't have to pay for it, and that there won't be a ca or pros on it really upped the enthusiasm factor. and for the record, i can't ever do salsa or latin dance to save my life. i must have looked extraordinarily silly doing all those moves. lyrical is more for me. heh. the class was a good mix of people, though there were two girls who were obviously clueless about dancing. it's possible to tell because they came to class in tight skirts and heels. so for most of the stretching exercises and steps requiring kicks, they could only stand and watch. poor things.

may the madness begin again!


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