med school mumblings...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

the last week of preclinicals is here. two years ago, i was just a blur kid from jc embarking on what i thought would be the most enriching, exciting, and fulfilling journey in my life. it's not any less exciting or enriching now, but i've come to realize there're many more sides to the medical profession than was expected. and i also wonder at the people who can say "i intend to be a surgeon/o&g/pediatrician" when they haven't even had one hour of medical school yet.

i haven't gotten my stethoscope and other items yet, and i'm wondering why it's taking so long. it's also made me miss out on a chance to buy a rather nice (ie funtional yet not dowdy and drab) bag because i've got no idea how my medical odds and ends will weigh altogether.

gosh i'm whining. anyways, like someone said, it's no used trying to argue with the school admin, cuz they'll definitely have a ready answer for the fee hike. what we can all be irked about would be the way they broke the news to us - with a matter-of-fact, emotionless email and on the same day the media was informed. couldn't they have told us earlier? we're the ones paying, not the rest of the country. would it have increased admin costs to inform us a week before or so? and the letter in the papers - upgraded lecture theatres and labs and seminar rooms. can someone tell me what exactly has been upgraded, because the lts and seminar rooms look like they've been in their current state for, what, 5 years? and the only lab we use, and on an infrequent basis at that, is the microbiology lab.

if they could spend tens of millions to build a sprawling new university hall when the previous one was still functional, they could jolly well have set aside more money for bursaries and stuff like that. -shrugs-


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