med school mumblings...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

wise quote about the brain: "if you injure a complicated organ, you'll get complicated problems."

yesterday was somewhat the day for laughs. on the way to the train station in the morning, i saw two dogs being walked, and one was wearing bright red shoes. the poor chap was vaguely struggling to keep up with his friend. i wonder why these pet owners make their dogs wear shoes to make them look ridiculous (think poor tinkerbell who was positively disable by his shoes on a simple life).

later that day during our epidemiology lecture, somebody pulled off the lt door handle while coming in. that got the whole lecture in stitches. what was not funny however, was when during the practical somebody decided that making a bogus announcement that the pathology results were out. apparently someone told someone who told the person who made the announcement. whatever.

talking about the marks, they're still not in although last week we heard from a tutor that they were already tallying the marks. someone said it's because we did very very badly. but uh, witholding the grades from us won't make them better, would it?

it's less than a month to the final round of cas, the second last lap. jia you everyone!


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