med school mumblings...

Friday, January 20, 2006

it's the end of week two, so there's five more weeks to the third ca.

had my lymphoma/leukemia tutorial today, and it succeeded in confusing me even more. i tried to look through robbins with the help of prof spaniard's notes, but robbins has an odd way of describing the conditions. for instance they lump the acute leukemias together, and had small lymphocytic lymphoma together with chronic lymphocytic leukemia under the same heading. their explanation? "sll can be thought of as an aleukemic form of cll". so very helpful.

and coming right up is kidney, of which gn is terribly confusing. i did a crash course on it for pbl, and managed to answer my tutor with generalized answers, but i'm still hazy about it. wow. that's two patho topics that i can't figure out. whoot.

the man known as grandpa had his twenty-first birthday party at his place yesterday evening. nearly half the class turned up. amazing. watched american idol then listened to people sing karaoke for the rest of the night. he's probably one of the few who can turn a birthday party into a semi-class outing. heh.

'tis the year for parties eh?


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