med school mumblings...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

remember our favourite anti-flu drugs? they're no longer useful. the cdc in atlanta has advised doctors to stop prescribing amantidine and rimantadine because they're ninety-one percent inefective in stopping the h3n2 strain now making its rounds in north america. to top it off, news out of turkey says that the strain that killed a child recently had a mutated protein to allow it to infect humans more easily.


feeling lazy nowadays. i mean, we started the term with an exam, and for me at least, it'd nice to have a break, but no siree, i'm constantly reminded to start mugging again. and to top it off, we have pbl, of which out of six units we've had so far, two tutors have stood us up. all the time for preparing, and money spent photocopying the materials all whoosh, gone down the drain.

and i've just found out that the producers opens the week before our CAs. argh.


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