med school mumblings...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

bad day today. it rained cats and dogs in the morning, and at the train station i found that the earlier train had stalled, so they had to turn around a ponggol train and put it on the harbourfront line. the train was full of people because there were twice the number of passengers. after two or three stations, the train was completely packed and no one could get on board. for about half an hour a whole trainload of humanity was squashed as the train sped southwards. after that, i got caught in a traffic jam when i was on the bus. it took me more than one and half hours to get to the hospital!

nowadays whenever i get to the wards, one of the first things i do is to check on this young man who's got neuroleptic malignant syndrome. i first saw him when he was admitted on saturday night, and his condition has been getting worse. he could speak when he came in, now he can barely get the phlegm out of his lungs. while his might be an interesting case, it still disturbs me that someone of my age can be in that sort of semi-catatonic state.

then later in the day i decided to go down to see my cofm patient was recovering from a stenting procedure. as i was looking for the casenotes, the nurse on duty started yelling at me, demanding to know which consultant i was attached to etc etc, and saying that those were her patients, so i couldn't come in and look. the initial nasty surprise gave way to anger, because she could have put nicely instead of yelling, and the patients and their relatives were all staring and wondering what extraordinary offence i had committed. i knew it was one of the high dependency wards, but i had gone in yesterday evening without incident -- indeed, one nurse even told me kindly to take a seat while i looked through the file. how was i to know? -sigh- it's just one of those days i guess, but it totally spoilt my mood. oh wells, tomorrow will be a better day...


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