med school mumblings...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

today at the angiography room of the crossroads hospital, i stumbled upon a bunch of j1 students shadowing the radiologist for a day. representatives from the "familiar" schools were there. i was thinking, whoa, they sure are starting early aren't they? at j1 i was enjoying my holidays volunteering and caroling, not sitting around in an angio room watching on a monitor screen a picc line being inserted! heh.

radio is really cool. being able to look at an image and decipher something from the whiteness/blackness/squiggles is very gratifying, but can be frustrating for us because we're only starting out. we had one and a half hours of chest x-ray readings today, and it was crazy. after each lesion was pointed out, there would always follow whispers of "where?", "huh?", "oh my god!" or simply the smacking of heads. we must have seen nearly thirty sets of cxrs and ct thorax in that tutorial. never imagined that i could have survived something like that. i'm glad we had it though, because now i feel so much more comfortable with cxrs. yay.


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