med school mumblings...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

what a day.

first of all, i was down with a cold which started yesterday morning while in the computer lab but got worse when more changes were made to the project. had a fever yesterday and today, so had to pass the research paper team's ktv outing.

second, got news of someone's medical condition. twice in one week. once again, i'm reminded where my priorities should lie, and the reasons why i chose this career.

third, our exams have been brought forward by a week. the reasons given included that of the vivas clashing with our clinical postings and that some of my classmates had apparently requested for it to be brought forward. given the reasons cited, why wasn't the change made earlier? why did they have to wait till a month before the exam to spring it on us? i distinctly remember that for last year's part two exams, they changed the venue to the affliliated high school because the exam hall was infested with termites. are you seeing a pattern here?


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