med school mumblings...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

my hols are coming to an end! boohoo. it's been a great, jam-packed hols though, and the good thing about having a short vacation is that you treasure every minute of it.

the week started out with meetings for the cofm project which went pretty well. even better was that some of us had the time to go down to ikea tampines to explore. the cafe is about four times as big, and they've introduced this food trolleys where you can stack up to 3 trays. real cool. the food's just as delicious as at alexandra and the chicken wings more finger-licking good than a certain fast food chain. yum! we took a walk through their self-serve shelves/warehouse, and my, the place is huge man. humongous, gigantic, enormous. i don't think there's anything quite like it anywhere else on the island, so if you've got nothing better to do, go explore the place!

over the weekend i had caroling sessions and parties. what could be better than singing and eating? heh. joined the catholic medical society for their caroling sessions and the experience has been nothing short of amazing. as usual the altoes were kinda drowned out by the sops and basses, but who cared? i had lots of fun singing and *ahem* discovering people's hidden talents. the food was really good too. i've stuffed myself with lots of turkey and ham and log cakes these few days and my neighbour's just gave us another log cake yesterday. the gluttony isn't over just yet.

on christmas eve ms amoeba threw a party with the theme "nightmare before christmas". i came as the corpse bride, mother goose as a donation collector and someone else ( i can't think of a code name for him at this moment!) came as the crazy medical student, complete with bandaged head, ketchup-filled syringe and mask. we had a great time barbequeing and eating. some of us even started a game of catch and we were screaming and running through the void deck like little kids, nothing like the prim and proper "trainee doctors"or adults we're supposed to be. too bad i was in heels, or i could have run faster! heh.

i've got one more caroling session to go before the season ends. happy holidays everyone. =)


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