med school mumblings...

Sunday, November 26, 2006

got my first pair of pointes today! they're bloch serenades, and they're very very pretty. i still need to sew the ribbons on and break them in, but oh i could stare at them all day. you must excuse my indulgence, for i never thought this day would come.

here's a picture of it taken from the bloch website. aren't they gorgeous? of course being worn on such fantastic arches does enhance their beauty. man, i can't wait to start ballet.

i start emergency med at the western hospital tomorrow. (side note: can someone please explain why i keep getting sent to the western hospital? it's awfully far away for me.) hope it'll be a good posting since i've heard quite a bit about it. ambulance day run this week, night run next week. will blog about the experience as soon as i can.

my holiday schedule is starting to fill up and, save for one item on the list, everything seems to suggest a great christmas holiday this year.


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