it's been quite a relaxing first week in orthopaedics - the usual lectures, tutorials and clinic sessions. my team's reg has been taking us through the ward rounds and i appreciate his practical approach to teaching us ("no didactic teaching, just tell me what causes confusion in a patient and how you would manage it as a HO"). saw a couple of familiar faces from my medicine rotation at the western hospital (including dr funny!) and a medical officer from chalet hospital's urology department. i couldn't help but think after meeting the uro MO that the world is getting smaller as i climb up the medical ladder.
and how fast time flies. when i first met dr funny he had just started his first internship rotation and was being hurled the most vulgar hokkien curses by a confused renal patient while attempting to take an abg. in few weeks' time, he'll be an MO. that uro MO from chalet hospital will be mopexed back to chalet hospital in a few days, which makes 3 postings since the time i last saw him. and me? one year ago i was a confused, disoriented youngling wandering around central hospital asking the ward clerks for good cases. now that i'm wiser i'm hoping that i'll be able to help the incoming second years as much as my seniors have helped me.
oh wells. it's time to get back to my mcrae, or as one lecturer said, "murk-ray". heh.
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