med school mumblings...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Of Fake Lattes and Rolling Rolls

what a day.

woke up this morning feeling as if i hadn't slept a wink at all, and it was such a struggle to drag myself out of bed. when i reached the western hospital, i was ready to go home (and to think that mother goose had given me a ride), so i went to 7 eleven to get a can of coffee before trudging up to the seminar room where we have our orthopaedic lectures. i sank into the cushioned seat with a sigh, opened the can, and gratefully drank a sip of...


it says "iced latte" on the can, so i've got no idea why there's only milk. checked the list of ingredients and sure enough there was not an ounce of coffee in it. i had to go the morning without a caffeine boost, and sat through the lectures like a stupefied duck. ugh. i only regained full consciousness after a lunch of chicken rice and iced mocha, which was one of the better meals i've had at the western hospital's kopitiam.

then later, on my way home from the train station, i dropped by cold storage to get tissue rolls. i picked up the packet on the top of the pile, and began to walk towards the cashier. i felt the load getting lighter as i walked, so i looked down and saw a trail of tissue rolls on the floor and a bemused old lady looking at me. it probably looked like those charlie chaplin shows, where the tyres of the car detach one at a time and roll away, leaving only the chasis of the car. haha.

some new, exciting stuff is coming my way, and if everything goes as planned they'll start in july when i'm doing paeds. will need to prioritise, but oh how tempting it is to take on all of them! i'll blog about them more when the details are confirmed. heh.


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