med school mumblings...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

What A Difference A Week Makes

mumbler moved to the hepato-biliary team this week, and her work has correspondingly increased. more cases, more discharges, and more walking. the team is quite big but at least everyone seems to work well together. one thing bad about being a big team though is that we silly sips have had a hard time trying to order drinks for team breakfast the past week. almost every day the orders are wrong because there are so many combination of drinks - kopi bing, kopi bing siew dai, tea c, tea ping etc etc. quite a mess we've made...but fortunately no con/reg has realised it. haha.

there has been some moving and shaking in this sip, and mumbler has been slightly upset by it. perhaps she was spoiled by her time at grand ol' dame haemato, but honestly, what she has witnessed here has made her angry, and wanting to get out of this posting asap/stat/pronto. all she can say here is that sometimes, people should think carefully before they complain, because some unpleasant things have been repeated back to me by seniors outside of central hospital, from other departments. some are even generalisations and i don't appreciate that at all. no names were dropped so far, but i'm aware of the incidents that gave rise to the complaints, which of course i'm not at liberty to discuss on this blog. so think, people, think. ours is a small community and there's no point souring relations like this.

it's been a roller coster week so far, let's hope my last week in surg sip will be quieter.

i really can't wait for it to be over.


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