med school mumblings...

Monday, March 02, 2009

Revisiting The Past

not quite, but for some strange reason i went on youtube and searched for "raffles chorale", and out came recordings from their exploits from last year. listening to the polyphonic melodies is oddly comforting and familiar. there's something about the chords, the latin, the -agreement- of the four seemingly different but yet harmonious melodies that brings about a certain peace in my heart. or maybe it reminds me of the hours and hours that i spent in school, remaining standing until the conductor was satisfied with the tuning, pitching, phrasing and whatnots. it was important, you see, for us to perfect the anticipation, the climax, the endings. it wasn't enough just to end a note - it was an art to stop singing but yet leave the last strains of it hanging in the air. it was beauty at its richest but most intangible.

i'm not sure why i'm in such a melancholic and nostalgic mood, and listening to choral music isn't helping at all haha. on top of that, i'm convinced that i have dvt developing from the long hours of sitting at my desk and pouring over my notes. what's sad is that nothing much is going in anymore because i seem to have reached saturation point. bleagh.

and so i leave you with the raffles chorale performing "o magnum mysterium", directed by mr toh ban sheng. this must be the best version i've heard so far, and i recommend listening to it with your eyes closed. just enjoy the music.

oh, i just found out, seems that since we first performed "mate saule" in 2003 for syf, other schools have decided it's pretty trendy to do it. this would be in keeping with the prevailing attitude of the local school choir scene. well, i think our version is still the best. heh. BUT, nothing beats hearing the latvian radio choir singing it. so if by any chance there are jc choir folks reading this blog whose choirs are intending to perform it, please don't use any local choir as your inspiration, use this. listen and be blown away.


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