med school mumblings...

Thursday, September 23, 2004

i just saw zj online! woopee, this must be my lucky day, even the webcam finally worked. and i met conrad and val at kino, as well as, wait for this, my dad. yeah, he was wondering around the mooncake displays like a lost boy. what food does to men. ha.

went for prof ling's extra tutorial on histo, which was really helpful because he went through almost everything in two hours. it really was an information overload, considering my mind hasn't been working these few days, but somehow, after listening to him, the things are stuck in my neuroglia cells ya know. they support the neurons so hopefully they'll cling onto every bit of info i've read and at the right time, they can axonal transport it to my hands and it diffuses out onto the answer booklet. then i shall get an A. -maniacal laughter-


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