med school mumblings...

Sunday, January 23, 2005

i was at parkway mph on friday when i stumbled upon this crappy book entitled Do Elephants Jump? apparently they try to solve what they call "Imponderables", things that just are but no one knows why. so to answer the book's title, no they can't really jump but they can clear quite a distance. but what caught my eye was the question why do we rub our eyes when we're tired? no, let me correct that, it was the answer that got my attention. cuz it says one theory put forth was that by rubbing our eyes we are stimulating the rectus muscles of the eyes and hence stimulating the vagus nerves, resulting in parasympathetic impulses around the body to help slow down your heart rate etc, essentially helping you fall asleep.

well, i'm glad that what im learning now can help solve life's little mysteries.


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