med school mumblings...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

the gravity of the current situation was driven home yesterday, when it was announced that in the event of an emergency, we medical students would be dispatched to the various hospitals to aid in the crisis. of course you can't expect clueless first and second years to set up IVs, so they have the honourable task of doing admin work (sounds like an ordinary job to me). the senior years with their basic clinical skills will be on the frontline in the wards. oh yes, and emergency here means a bird flu outbreak or a terrorist attack. so, if anything happens this year, you'll find me cradling several telephones in some back office of a hospital.

on a lighter note, the class committee has taken the initiative of celebrating everyone's birthdays. last year's efforts came to naught, but i guess after one year we're all more comfortable with each other as a class, that's why it's only working this time round. and i kinda like the idea, other than the part where you've to go up and say something funny.

after people-watching these few weeks, h and i have come to a conclusion that there're more people dressing up. or maybe they're taking the advice of a recent newspaper article to be more fashionable. anyhow, it's vaguely interesting to see what people wear, and wonder at the same time wonder about their motivation for dressing up. is it "for fun", or is there more than meets the eye?


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