med school mumblings...

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

suffering from OT withdrawal symptoms. i'm just waiting patiently for the video to be out so i can watch the play properly, and not the side or back view! so many emails are going back and forth on the groups, thanking everyone for all their hard work. yeah, it's been a great experience. yie hui, aili, shirlyn, benny the defactor, sui ann, ming yuan the macs guy, terry, yong chin, serene, nimeshi, see ming, darryl, andrew, shing hui and sharon my mrt kaki. my patient, victor, who had to bear with my inability to handle masking tape and who managed to expose the needle from my tubing! ivan, who yakked to me about ballet versus tap dance and big *ahem* and who kindly tapped the wobbly cafe table on the last night instead of thumping it like the previous nights, and who surprised me by asking about his hair and later appearing on stage (during a rehearsal) with two ponytails! zhentang who conducted like mad on stage left and, could be found playing the moonlight sonata and fantasy impromptu in pitch darkness on stage right, also the one who let me have a chance to be part of this big show. the cast and chorus and costume people who all grooved to the beat behind the curtains, especially in med school of the future(will be so much more), and offered us chocs and pringles on the last day. gosh, so many people! and the music, which also explains why i was so high the whole week. so if you're down, just go on a one week course of OT, and you'll be on your way to the stars.


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