med school mumblings...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Of Many Things

it's been a hectic three weeks. had a query cauda equina syndrome that got everyone excited a bit, but which was later diagnosed to be a pid (mri showed nothing, loss of bladder control attributed to some gynaecological cause). second night call wasn't as good as the first, but we found a budding professor in one of the housemen, so at least we learnt something. then in the last days of our formal posting period, we found that one of the textbooks that we have been using contains the wrong information about certain things, which makes my mind reel since no one has ever told us this. and to think it's one of our "standard" texts!

sometime in this three weeks they managed to slot in a visit to the cerebral palsy centre as well as an afternoon in the paediatric ortho clinic. cerebral palsy has an incidence of about 0.1% a year, so it's quite gratifying to see a whole complex dedicated to their needs. the centre houses a school and a sheltered workshop, and on the day we visited, the children were preparing for a school trip to the airport. really glad to have had the chance to have a look at the place, and at least one colleague signed up on the spot to be a volunteer. heh.

performed in my first dance recital on saturday and it was over in a flash. three minutes summed up weeks of practices and late scramble for costumes. then it was over, and we went to the back of the auditorium to watch the rest of the groups. there were a couple of indian dances, one of which was very bollywood and very good, and a fantastic lyrical jazz item put up by a university group. so after i'm done with my jazz exam in june, i shall have pointe and lyrical jazz to dream about.

i've recently been sucked into the vortex that is facebook. it all started because i wanted to keep in contact with a cousin overseas, now it's become a past time. argh. the good thing is that i've found people from primary and secondary school whom i haven't heard from for the longest time. besides, it's fun to be part of a group like "Wikipedia is helping me get through med school!" good, brainless fun.

it's electives planning period and everyone is trying to approach tutors all over the island. and there's this conspiracy theory about a certain rotation in a certain hospital that's driving me nuts. right now, all my plans hinge on this theory. if it's true, then all my elective plans will come crashing down. ouch.

i had my ortho clinical test today. better than i expected, and i'm glad to have it out of the way. now to focus on the theory test on friday...and after that, pirates!! yay!

and to think my celebrations already started this afternoon when i went to my neighbourhood mall and bought myself a new bag. haha.


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