med school mumblings...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Of Happy and Unhappy Things

let me first get this off my chest: i dislike sly people. people who do things on the quiet and then spring unpleasant surprises on you. such sneakiness is most unwanted, and i don't appreciate it at all. neither do the others.

and, i can't understand why some people think going into the autopsy room is so exciting, and desire to handle and prod the dead person's innards. doing it because your job requires you to is one thing, but entering the room for the "fun" of it is another. it should not be treated as an excursion. there is enough indignity in the person's death, need we add to it? with the body stiff with rigor mortis and cut open, it's hard to remember that the body lying there used to be a person - a father, a daughter, a husband...or a cousin. but we shouldn't forget, simply because we wouldn't wish it ourselves.

thank God, there're more happy than unhappy things to write about.

first up, i'll be watching ian mackellan in the seagull this sunday. parents didn't want to sit through a shakepeare play (oh what love my family has for dear ol' bill) so we decided to see something with a more modern setting. it'll be a treat for sure, and i hope he'll be willing to take autographs!

second, the engine for our a capella concert just got warmed up. yep, mumbler and her jc schoolmates will be holding their very own performance in september! being in choir was probably one of the best things i've got in my life! it's such a great feeling to be able to just sit around almost anywhere in the world. heh. will post up more details up here soon.

third, little miss tiny is coming back to sunny singapore in less than forty-eight hours' time. i can't believe she' graduated, about to move on to postgraduate studies...and i still have two more years to go. summers were never so precious before we started university.

last day of forensics tomorrow. one of the doctors there is obviously very enthusiastic about his work and is so willing to teach, even slipping in an extra lecture because we asked for it. i'm heartened by his attitude, even though i'm not keen on forensics at all, and it goes to show that the best teaching is not always found in places with the most material incentives.


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