med school mumblings...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Of Write Ups and Other Stuff

am now rushing my pathology writeup because i have resolved to not sit on things anymore this academic year. developed that awful habit of waiting till one week before the deadline to start work on my write up. obviously it hasn't been a satisfactory experience so...i'll take it as far as new year resolutions go...heh.

pubmed is quite a useful tool for researching conditions, but it occasionally goes wonky. number twelve on my "LCIS and Management" search turned up this:

Dahlbo H, Koskela S, Laukka J, Myllymaa T, Jouttijarvi T, Melanen M, Tenhunen J.
Life cycle inventory analyses for five waste management options for discarded newspaper.
Waste Manag Res. 2005 Aug;23(4):291-303


and talking about waste, the tree at braddell has been cut down, all because silly singaporean drivers can't keep to the 40km/h speed limit. two hundred grand was spend preserving that tree, and as usual, we take the easy way out of the problem. is it so hard to take that bend at maybe 60km/h? why do we bother having all these campaigns and programs to encourage singaporeans to stop littering, recycle or support our wildlife (think glenda chong at sungei buloh talking about mudskippers) when the eventual outcome always seems to be get rid of the "offending" article? mumbler is disappointed at the turn of events, and more so that the tree was cut down one day after the announcement was made...i suspect there'll be more in the years to come.


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