med school mumblings...

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


a better turn of events today - something unexpected but good enough to remedy last night's displeasure.

watched the bucket list today. touching film which stars heavyweights jack nicholson and morgan freeman. it's about two men given less than a year to live because of advanced cancer, trying to live out the remainder of their lives with meaning. they make out a list of things to achieve before they kick the bucket (hence the title of the movie) and set out to do it. along the way, their contrasting life histories and priorities come to a head, but is resolved, tragically and touchingly, when one of them dies.

nothing much to comment on the two leads (like, hello?) as they were predictably awesome - restrained, joyful, bitter and contemplative all at the right time. i loved the digs at nicholson's personal life ("been married four times but i still loved the single life" and "i've been making money since i was 17 and have been pretty good at it") but the plot is kinda predictable and the characterisation cliched (rich, atheistic, unrefined white versus a poor, intelligent, religious black) so that was a bit disappointing for me. otherwise a pretty good film -- i'll give it 3 stars.


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