med school mumblings...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

I Can't Believe...

1) ...the @#$% lot of paperwork that's just been dropped on us regarding the submission of our logbooks. the dean's office just doesn't get it, does it? the student representatives raised the point that it was a waste of time for us to fill in patient id numbers when no one looks at it anyway, and so the dean's office stopped the practice. so we heaved a sigh of relief...and look at what they've done? added a whole lot of stuff to be done just so that our logbooks can be signed and collected. what's going to change is that instead of simply handing in as a group before the deadline and collecting it as a group at any time, the group leaders have to make sure we all sign that we've submitted, someone in the office has to sign that they've received, and we have to sign to collect it.

that probably isn't too bad, but what irks me is that we have to sign an authorisation form and hand it to the person who's collecting the log books. so it can't be the sort of impromptu thing it's been the past few years where the person who happens to be near the hospital can just drop by and collect it. -shrugs- perhaps it's just training for the work that is to come.

2) ...that i'm still interested in soccer. yesh. mumbler has supported germany since the 2002 world cup, and hopes that der mannschaft will do well tonight and deny spain. wahaha. now hit me.

3) ...the huge dollop of favour that fell on me one day recently. i would rather not reveal too much as it ain't the right time, but let's just say that i'm in awe of Daddy's grace. i certainly didn't deserve it, but now that i have it, i shall use it to guide the course for the near future. heh.


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