first things first, i've come across a pretty interesting blog done by a local doctor. he says his blog is fictional, but there has to be some truth in any fiction, so it makes for a pretty good read.
second, i'm thoroughly broke after spending nine bucks at genki sushi today for lunch. and i can't believe that four hours later i started to feel hungry while the guys didn't. but fun, rod, greg and i had an interesting conversation, and rod came out with yet another wise saying, which is that a
dian deng pao is like a chilli between two pieces of chocolate.
third, salto-tellez is a really funny guy. he would ask us questions and after we answered he would say something like, "that's a very good answer to write in your book...and then rub away because it's wrong!" he made us do presentations on the pots too. very relaxed and hilarious, wonder why someone said he's very scary because he "arrows" people.
fourth, that i should be going through my backlog of pharmacokinetics notes but i would like to slip a word in that medical students are
not the worst dressed and we don't buy our clothes from the pasar malam, thank you very much, mr so-cio-lo-gy honours student. it created a stir today, and someone stuck a photocopy of the article on the whiteboard for everyone to see. certain mean comments were made about this particular student (it isn't hard to think along those lines, but i shan't reproduce them here for fear of retaliation) and i find it strange that he should be so familiar with the dressings of medical students because imho, the dentistry people are the best dressed, simply because their profs encourage them. in addition, i wonder if he ever had the chance to sit in and have a look during our lectures, since we have no cross-fac modules to speak of. i think he would be astonished that we have quite a number of people who dress pretty well and that the rest of us are fairly decent. certainly if you want the latest fashions, why be in nus at all, hop over to smu where the culture is all dress up. so, for all the sociology he has done, i wonder if he has done any "honors" research on fashion and a certain type of grape.