med school mumblings...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Of Paediatrics (I)

what a change it has been to enter paeds posting. squeaky toys, red balls and barbie stickers have been my constant tools, and i've added cooing and high-pitched verbalisations to vocabulary. there's a heck lot more of studying to do, but being able to play with kids while at work helps to keep the stress levels down. where does the stress come from, you may ask? it comes from having a load of different syndromes that the little ones have, needing to read up on various systems simultaneously, and people jostling for ward space.

i've met a couple of children whom i know i'll probably remember for some time to come. am currently posted to the renal ward, and i must say that i've been touched by the way the patients deal with their conditions. and despite nephrology being the craziest of the subspecialties with its absolutely cheem pathologies, i will miss going there every day, even if it were just to ask the resident computer genius about buying a laptop. heh.


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