med school mumblings...

Monday, September 27, 2004

read the autopsy report today, and as i looked down the list, i felt a certain horror i've never had before. it wasn't just the horror at the extent of injuries, but also the horror of knowing exactly what the coronor was talking about. the blow by blow account of his injuries and the image i could conjure up in my mind was what scared me. the full extent, the detail that i would not have know if i hadn't chosen this path, my mind just spun. all the terms that i've been studying these few weeks, humerus, maleollus, illiac fossa, whatever, everything! suddenly they had taken on a new meaning for me, a more tragic one. each represented something, something that can never be replaced. this, i realized, was knowing. this was the lost of innocence.

and they might have broken your body, your heart, but they can never, ever break your soul. it still lives.


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